Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Cork Knights

My nephew's birthday is coming up, so I thought I made him some knights and castles to play with. On Lucy Ravenscar's blog I found a cute pattern to create knights from corks. Very cute!
I cut a cardbox box in half and spraypainted it grey or grey/orange. With some permanent markers it was easy to draw bricks, plants and other things on the walls.
I'm very very happy with the end result, and I hope my nephew will be too!

Baby's first little Converse All Star Booties

My friend just gave birth to a very cute baby girl.
I made these tiny little converse all star booties (crochet).
So cute!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Dinosocks take over

Last fall I bought a book called "Stray Sock Sewing Too" by Daniel.
It shows how you can make the cutest creatures from socks (and you almost won't believe they used to be socks!).
I absolutely fell in love with the dinosocks. However I prefer to use crochet eyes instead of buttons.

Oooh how cute:)